Thursday, December 24, 2009

What's the best oil to use as a pre-shampoo treatment? Jojoba oil or coconut Oil?

Coconot oil definitely.

Leave it on for a while. Then apply shampoo to your hair, and keep adding a little water at a time, until you get a lather. The rinse off and apply shampoo again.

Oil and water don't mix, so that is the best way to avoid leaving your hair looking greasy.What's the best oil to use as a pre-shampoo treatment? Jojoba oil or coconut Oil?
jojoba oil wont strip your hair at the least bit and as for coconut oil.. it'll look like you washed your hair with baby oil.. believe me i've been there done that...dont want to go backWhat's the best oil to use as a pre-shampoo treatment? Jojoba oil or coconut Oil?
Jojoba Oil
Jojoba oil is better and all its products.
Try a raw egg..Sounds disgusting I know but dont put it on hot hair or it will scramble.Just whisk it up and smooth it through.Rinse out after round 10 mins then follow on with your normal shampoo condition routine. You will get beautiful condtion and shine.

Kaeylarae xxx
Coconut Oil is really good for your hair, I used too much once, but it still came out when I washed it with shampoo.
Jojoba oil is very hydrating and nourishing, I would go with that. HTH : )
coconut helps to nourish the hair.
cant help cos im pretty much bold as a coot.
Oilive oil (or almond oil )

but coconut is better I think
Actually oils clog the hair cells.You mainly need a good conditioner first and foremost.Check out this site they have products for hair and skin.I have used there products for over 2 years and my hair is silky and my skin is awesome.They teach you how to take care of your skin without having to use a lot of JUNK in your hair or your skin.Check it out and let me know what you think..
Coconut oil it soothes ur hair alot more better then the other one it really helps alot but dont use to much of it at once u should always use it after u use conditioneer and after u take a shower then u use it other then that then dont use it
Coconut Oil I believe!
coconut oil
Warm Olive Oil
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