Thursday, January 7, 2010

What is the best treatment for dog ticks on the dogs ( powder or shampoos) and in the house?

For the love of God do not ';dip'; you dog with anything as it is unnecessary to use such caustic chemicals.

Two days prior or after application of Frontline or Advantix you dog needs to remain completely dry so no bathing.

Spot on applications are the safest and most effective prevention against infectious diseases transmitted by a ticks.

Shampoos and powders are ineffective and dangerous which can lead to adverse reactions ranging from



nystagmus (irregular eye movements)

hyper salivation

even death

Even with the use of Advantix and Frontine daily tick checks ae necessary.

With Frontline ticks will attach to dog but will be killed before the time it takes to transmit infectious diseases.

Ticks who bite a dog with frontline jaws become paralysed and the toxic chemical is ingested.

So do not be shocked to find ticks on your dog when using frontline.

Reseach backs up the fact that frontline will kill the tick prior to transmission of tick borne infectious diseases.

Advantix is different as it repels ticks and mosquitos.

That is atleast what the poduct claims

Advantix is not as reliable as frontline in the 4 weeks of coverage,

Also Advantix can not be used in a multipet household with cats.

Advantix is toxic to cats.

Keep you lawn clipped and D. Earth aound you property.What is the best treatment for dog ticks on the dogs ( powder or shampoos) and in the house?
If your dog is infested then a full submersion dip is best. They have a dip tank at the vets. Otherwise a bath is best with flea and tick shampoo. You need to follow the directions to the letter. It will call for a full body massage with the soap and then leave it on for a period of time. the problem is the head cannot be fully massaged without torturing the poor animal, so do the head last of course. In the house you need the carpet powder and it is dangerous to if the dog licks everything then make sure he does not lick the poison. The best thing is prevention. THe monthly Frontline or Bio spot etc will kill them as well and repel them as well. good luck..What is the best treatment for dog ticks on the dogs ( powder or shampoos) and in the house?
use dawn dish washing soap.

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